A journal of IEEE and CAA , publishes high-quality papers in English on original theoretical/experimental research and development in all areas of automation

Open Call for Early Career Advisory Board Members

  • Date:
  • 2021-07-22
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IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica intends to establish an Early Career Advisory Board to encourage outstanding young researchers to engage in the editorial work of the journal. 

The ideal Early Career Advisory Board (ECAB) member are dynamic young researchers (below 45 years old) from universities and research institutes who have received the Ph.D. degree, currently hold an independent academic position or are senior researchers who have expertise in automation and control, robotics, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, big data and data mining, systems theory and engineering. The ideal member should:

▪ have published more than 3 papers in high-level journals as the first author/corresponding author in recent three years, host/participate programs as manager or principal member. Who have important research outputs or the experiences of being an associate editor/reviewer are to be given priorities.

▪ have demonstrated competence in the field within the scope of the journal, be familiar with the cutting-edge of the research area, and have had some influence in the community.

▪ have been interested in helping the development of the journal, have willingness and time to engage the editorial work.

The responsibilities of an Early Career Advisory Board member include:

▪ Submit high-quality papers and invite for submissions of high-quality work to IEEE/CAA JAS.

▪ Conduct reviews actively for IEEE/CAA JAS papers at the request of an Associate Editors, and recommend qualified scholars to be reviewers.

▪ Serve as an ambassador for IEEE JAS and promote the journal via conferences, academic activities, social media and other channels to audiences around the world.

▪ Assist with the arrangement of special issues under the guidance and discretion of the journal editors.

▪ Help the journal organize academic conferences and trainings.

A term for Early Career Advisory Board member is 3 years, with possible renewal if eligibility continues to be met. The member will receive a certificate. Outstanding members will be recognized by Award and elevated to IEEE/CAA JAS Editorial Board members.

Qualified early career researchers are encouraged to submit a CV (with a link to the applicant’s main page if possible), publication list, and the brief plan on developing the journal, via an email to the managing editor Dr. Yan Ou, yan.ou@ia.ac.cn with the subject like “Applicant’s Name-ECAB application”, before September 20, 2021.

All applications will be reviewed by IEEE JAS editorial board members. Based on the input from the editorial board, EIC will make a final decision. The selected Early Career Advisory Board members’ names will be shown on the journal’s website.

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Release Date: 2021-07-22