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2023 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica Conference on Metaverse Research: Control, Filtering, and Optimization

  • Date:
  • 2023-03-23
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IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS) is pleased to present the first conference in 2023 on Metaverse Research: Control, Filtering, and Optimization, to be held in hybrid format on 13-14 May 2023.

The conference is sponsored by the IEEE/CAA JAS and aims to provide a research venue for researchers, students, and control engineers to exchange ideas and discuss the technical trends and challenges in the area of automation science and engineering. Similar conferences will run multiple times yearly and different topics will be solicited from the current Associate Editors and ECAB members.

The first conference brings a two-day meeting, being organized by Donghua University and co-organized by University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. It is devoted to recent advances in control, filtering, and optimization, discussing current hotspots in Metacontrol, hosted by eight Associate Editors or ECAB members.

Papers must be written in English and must describe the original work. Accepted papers will be distributed as widely as possible over the subfield of Networked Control Systems. Most excitingly, all accepted original papers, which must be presented or posted at the conference, will be recommended to and published in the IEEE/CAA JAS as Letter when passing peer review.

The conference also accepts the report at special sessions from the authors, where the reported topic should come from their regular papers or reviews published in IEEE/CAA JAS in 2022 or 2023.

This conference consists of four Special Sessions:

Special Session 1  Distributed optimization, games, and their applications

 Special Session 2  Distributed filtering under cyberattacks and communication scheduling

 Special Session 3  Cooperative control of multi-agent systems in complex environments

 Special Session 4  Theory and technology of networked swarm intelligence

Call for Papers

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 Distributed cooperative control of multi-agent systems

 Cooperative control of vehicular cyber-physical systems

 Distributed state estimation in sensor networks

 Distributed control in smart grids

 Attack detection, identification, and isolation

 Efficient modeling, guidance, and control of autonomous systems

 Human-machine shared control of autonomous systems

 Nash equilibrium seeking

 Distributed optimization algorithms

 Information theory in the context of swarm behavior

 Computational modeling of swarm behavior

 Decentralized decision-making

Important Dates

Contributed papers up to 3 to 4 pages  (double column with font size being 9; the template can be found at https://www.ieee-jas.net/news/Information%20for%20Authors.htm)should be submitted by April 20, 2023 via online submission and review system: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-jas. The length of accepted papers published in the IEEE/CAA JAS as Letter cannot exceed 3 pages.

The submission should be noted on the first page with “Conference 1 & Special Session M”, where “M” stands for the selected index of special sessions.

Organizing Committee

General Co-Chairs

Bo Shen  Donghua University,  Shanghai, China

Derui Ding  University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,  Shanghai, China

Program Co-Chairs:

Lei Ding (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Xiaohua Ge (Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia), IEEE/CAA JAS Associate Editor

Xiaodi Li (Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Guanghui Wen (Southeast University, Nanjing, China), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Maojiao Ye (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Lei Zou (Donghua University, Shanghai, China), IEEE/CAA JAS Associate Editor

Zongyu Zuo (Beihang University, Beijing, China), IEEE/CAA JAS Associate Editor


IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica


Donghua University


University of Shanghai for Science and Technology


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Release Date: 2023-03-23