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2024 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica Conference on MetaSystems: Intelligence, Modelling, and Control

  • Date:
  • 2024-01-23
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IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS) is pleased to present the conference on MetaSystems: Intelligence, Modelling, and Control, to be held on May 24-26, 2024 in Ji’nan, China.

The conference is sponsored by the IEEE/CAA JAS and aims to provide a research venue for researchers, students, and control engineers to exchange ideas and discuss the technical trends and challenges in the area of MetaSystems: Intelligence, Modelling, and Control. The conference brings a two-day meeting, being organized by Shandong Normal University. It is devoted to recent advances in discontinuous control systems, data-driven control and learning systems, modelling and intelligent control of unmanned autonomous systems, and networked control and optimization, etc.

Papers must be written in English and must describe the original work. Accepted papers will be distributed as widely as possible over the fields of intelligence, modelling, and control, discussing current hotspots in MetaSystems. Most excitingly, all accepted original papers, which must be presented or posted at the conference, will be recommended to and published in the IEEE/CAA JAS as Letter when passing peer review.

The conference also accepts the report at special sessions from the authors, where the reported topic should come from their regular papers or reviews published in IEEE/CAA JAS in 2023 or 2024.

Call for Papers

This conference consists of six Special Sessions:

  • Special Session 1: Intelligent control of discontinuous systems

  • Special Session 2: Data-driven control and learning systems

  • Special Session 3: Modelling and intelligent control of unmanned autonomous systems

  • Special Session 4: Networked control and optimization

  • Special Session 5: Learning and decision making of unmanned systems

  • Special Session 6: Network security for cyber-physical systems

Important Dates

Contributed papers up to 3 pages (double column with font size being 9; the template can be found at https://www.ieee-jas.net/news/Information%20for%20Authors.htm) should be submitted by March 31, 2024 via online submission and review system: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-jas. The length of accepted papers published in the IEEE/CAA JAS as Letter cannot exceed 3 pages.

The submission should be noted on the first page with “1st Conference & Special Session M”, where “M” stands for the selected index of special sessions.

Organizing Committee

General Chair

Xiaodi Li (Shandong Normal University), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Program Co-Chairs

Zhonghua Pang (North China University of Technology), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Zongyu Zuo (Beihang University), IEEE/CAA JAS Associate Editor

Shuai Liu (Shandong University), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Huiping Li (Northwestern Polytechnical University), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Lei Ding (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications), IEEE/CAA JAS Associate Editor

Maojiao Ye (Nanjing University of Science and Technology), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Kailong Liu (Shandong University), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member

Zhiguang Feng (Harbin Engineering University), IEEE/CAA JAS ECAB Member


IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica


Shandong Normal University

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Release Date: 2024-01-23