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IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

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Article Contents
S. Zhao, Q. Meng, X. Lai, J. She, E. Fukushima, and M. Wu, “Length-variable bionic continuum robot with millimeter-scale diameter and compliant driving force,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 655–667, Apr. 2025. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2024.125091
Citation: S. Zhao, Q. Meng, X. Lai, J. She, E. Fukushima, and M. Wu, “Length-variable bionic continuum robot with millimeter-scale diameter and compliant driving force,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 655–667, Apr. 2025. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2024.125091

Length-Variable Bionic Continuum Robot With Millimeter-Scale Diameter and Compliant Driving Force

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2024.125091
Funds:  This work was supported by the Young Scientists Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (62203408), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2023M733307), the Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2015CFA010), the 111 Project (B17040), and the “CUG Scholar” Scientific Research Funds at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) (2022088)
More Information
  • Compared with conventional rigid-link robots, bionic continuum robots (CRs) show great potential in unstructured environments because of their adaptivity and continuous deformation ability. However, designing a CR to achieve miniaturization, variable length and compliant driving force remains a challenge. Here, inspired by the earthworm in nature, we report a length-variable bionic CR with millimeter-scale diameter and compliant driving force. The CR consists of two main components: the robot body and soft drives. The robot body is only 6 mm in diameter, and is composed of a backbone and transmission devices. The backbone is divided into three segments, and each segment is capable of adjusting its length and bending like the earthworm. The maximum length variation of the backbone can reach an astonishing 70 mm with a backbone’s initial length of 150 mm, and the maximum bending angle of each segment can reach 120 degrees. In addition, we develop soft drives using pneumatic soft actuators (PSAs) as a replacement for the rigid motors typically used in conventional CRs. These soft drives control the motions of the transmission devices, enabling length variation and bending of the backbone. By utilizing these soft drives, we ensure that the robot body has a compliant driving force, which addresses users’ concerns about human safety during interactions. In practical applications, we prove that this CR can perform delicate manipulations by successfully completing writing tasks. Additionally, we show its application value for detections and medical treatments by entering the narrow tube and the oral.


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