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IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

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J. Carvalho and A. Aguiar, “Deep reinforcement learning for zero-shot coverage path planning with mobile robots,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, 2025. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2024.125064
Citation: J. Carvalho and A. Aguiar, “Deep reinforcement learning for zero-shot coverage path planning with mobile robots,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, 2025. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2024.125064

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Zero-Shot Coverage Path Planning With Mobile Robots

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2024.125064
Funds:  This work was partially supported by project RELIABLE (PTDC/EEI-AUT/3522/2020), R&D Unit SYSTEC - Base (UIDB001472020) and Programmatic (UIDP001472020) funds - and Associate Laboratory Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems ARISE - LAP01122020, funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC)
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  • The ability of mobile robots to plan and execute a path is foundational to various path-planning challenges, particularly Coverage Path Planning. While this task has been typically tackled with classical algorithms, these often struggle with flexibility and adaptability in unknown environments. On the other hand, recent advances in Reinforcement Learning offer promising approaches, yet a significant gap in the literature remains when it comes to generalization over a large number of parameters. This paper presents a unified, generalized framework for coverage path planning that leverages value-based deep reinforcement learning techniques. The novelty of the framework comes from the design of an observation space that accommodates different map sizes, an action masking scheme that guarantees safety and robustness while also serving as a learning-from-demonstration technique during training, and a unique reward function that yields value functions that are size-invariant. These are coupled with a curriculum learning-based training strategy and parametric environment randomization, enabling the agent to tackle complete or partial coverage path planning with perfect or incomplete knowledge while generalizing to different map sizes, configurations, sensor payloads, and sub-tasks. Our empirical results show that the algorithm can perform zero-shot learning scenarios at a near-optimal level in environments that follow a similar distribution as during training, outperforming a greedy heuristic by sixfold. Furthermore, in out-of-distribution environments, our method surpasses existing state-of-the-art algorithms in most zero-shot and all few-shot scenarios, paving the way for generalizable and adaptable path-planning algorithms.


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  • 1 In this work, we consider the algorithm to be safe as long as it is collision-free and complete as long there is a finite upper bound to the number of time steps it takes to finish the task.
    2 https://youtu.be/ZockV7Nul28
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