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Volume 7 Issue 5
Sep.  2020

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

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Giancarlo Fortino, Fabrizio Messina, Domenico Rosaci and Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè, "ResIoT: An IoT Social Framework Resilient to Malicious Activities," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1263-1278, Sept. 2020. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003330
Citation: Giancarlo Fortino, Fabrizio Messina, Domenico Rosaci and Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè, "ResIoT: An IoT Social Framework Resilient to Malicious Activities," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1263-1278, Sept. 2020. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003330

ResIoT: An IoT Social Framework Resilient to Malicious Activities

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003330
Funds:  This work was partially supported by the University of Catania, Piano per la Ricerca 2016-2018 - Linea di intervento 1 (Chance), prot. 2019-UNCTCLE-0343614, and the Italian MIUR, PRIN 2017 Project ”Fluidware” (CUP H24I17000070001)
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  • The purpose of the next internet of things (IoT) is that of making available myriad of services to people by high sensing intelligent devices capable of reasoning and real time acting. The convergence of IoT and multi-agent systems (MAS) provides the opportunity to benefit from the social attitude of agents in order to perform machine-to-machine (M2M) coopera-tion among smart entities. However, the selection of reliable partners for cooperation represents a hard task in a mobile and federated context, especially because the trustworthiness of devices is largely unreferenced. The issues discussed above can be synthesized by recalling the well known concept of social resilience in IoT systems, i.e., the capability of an IoT network to resist to possible attacks by malicious agent that potentially could infect large areas of the network, spamming unreliable infor-mation and/or assuming unfair behaviors. In this sense, social resilience is devoted to face malicious activities of software agents in their social interactions, and do not deal with the correct working of the sensors and other information devices. In this setting, the use of a reputation model can be a practicable and effective solution to form local communities of agents on the basis of their social capabilities. In this paper, we propose a framework for agents operating in an IoT environment, called ResIoT, where the formation of communities for collaborative purposes is performed on the basis of agent reputation. In order to validate our approach, we performed an experimental campaign by means of a simulated framework, which allowed us to verify that, by our approach, devices have not any economic convenience to performs misleading behaviors. Moreover, further experimental results have shown that our approach is able to detect the nature of the active agents in the systems (i.e., honest and malicious), with an accuracy of not less than 11% compared to the best competitor tested and highlighting a high resilience with respect to some malicious activities.


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  • 1 Note as in the most common scenarios there are many more consumers than producers, although other scenarios where consumers and providers have a similar numerosity exist. However, this later scenario is the most suitable for testing the resilience of a reputation system for the presence of more actors and, consequently, of more cheaters active into the system.
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    • This work focuses on the social resilience of agents behaviors in IOT systems.
    • A framework for agents operating in an IOT environment, called ResIOT, is proposed.
    • The framework is capable to drive the formation of communities to avoid misleading agents behaviors.
    • The experimental campaign prove that agents have not convenience to performs misleading behaviors in the communities.
    • The presented approach is able to detect the malicious agents in the system, with good accuracy.


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