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Volume 6 Issue 6
Nov.  2019

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

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Timo Lintonen and Tomi Räty, "Self-Learning of Multivariate Time Series Using Perceptually Important Points," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 1318-1331, Nov. 2019. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911777
Citation: Timo Lintonen and Tomi Räty, "Self-Learning of Multivariate Time Series Using Perceptually Important Points," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 1318-1331, Nov. 2019. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911777

Self-Learning of Multivariate Time Series Using Perceptually Important Points

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911777
More Information
  • In machine learning, positive-unlabelled (PU) learning is a special case within semi-supervised learning. In positive-unlabelled learning, the training set contains some positive examples and a set of unlabelled examples from both the positive and negative classes. Positive-unlabelled learning has gained attention in many domains, especially in time-series data, in which the obtainment of labelled data is challenging. Examples which originate from the negative class are especially difficult to acquire. Self-learning is a semi-supervised method capable of PU learning in time-series data. In the self-learning approach, observations are individually added from the unlabelled data into the positive class until a stopping criterion is reached. The model is retrained after each addition with the existent labels. The main problem in self-learning is to know when to stop the learning. There are multiple, different stopping criteria in the literature, but they tend to be inaccurate or challenging to apply. This publication proposes a novel stopping criterion, which is called Peak evaluation using perceptually important points, to address this problem for time-series data. Peak evaluation using perceptually important points is exceptional, as it does not have tunable hyperparameters, which makes it easily applicable to an unsupervised setting. Simultaneously, it is flexible as it does not make any assumptions on the balance of the dataset between the positive and the negative class.


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    • Peak evaluation using perceptually important points to address the problem of a stopping criterion in self-learning for time-series data.
    • Flexible stopping criterion which is applicable regardless of the balance (between negative, positive or balanced classes) of the time-series data.
    • Stopping criterion, which does not require any tunable hyperparameters, which functions successfully and automatically.


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