A journal of IEEE and CAA , publishes high-quality papers in English on original theoretical/experimental research and development in all areas of automation

Vol. 7,  No. 3, 2020

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Urban Sensing Based on Mobile Phone Data: Approaches, Applications, and Challenges
Mohammadhossein Ghahramani, MengChu Zhou, Gang Wang
2020, 7(3): 627-637. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003120
Abstract(1998) HTML (614) PDF(201)
Data volume grows explosively with the proliferation of powerful smartphones and innovative mobile applications. The ability to accurately and extensively monitor and analyze these data is necessary. Much concern in cellular data analysis is related to human beings and their behaviours. Due to the potential value that lies behind these massive data, there have been different proposed approaches for understanding corresponding patterns. To that end, analyzing people’s activities, e.g., counting them at fixed locations and tracking them by generating origin-destination matrices is crucial. The former can be used to determine the utilization of assets like roads and city attractions. The latter is valuable when planning transport infrastructure. Such insights allow a government to predict the adoption of new roads, new public transport routes, modification of existing infrastructure, and detection of congestion zones, resulting in more efficient designs and improvement. Smartphone data exploration can help research in various fields, e.g., urban planning, transportation, health care, and business marketing. It can also help organizations in decision making, policy implementation, monitoring, and evaluation at all levels. This work aims to review the methods and techniques that have been implemented to discover knowledge from mobile phone data. We classify these existing methods and present a taxonomy of the related work by discussing their pros and cons.
Scalable Distributed Sensor Fault Diagnosis for Smart Buildings
Panayiotis M. Papadopoulos, Vasso Reppa, Marios M. Polycarpou, Christos G. Panayiotou
2020, 7(3): 638-655. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003123
Abstract(2933) HTML (1183) PDF(238)
The enormous energy use of the building sector and the requirements for indoor living quality that aim to improve occupants’ productivity and health, prioritize Smart Buildings as an emerging technology. The Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system is considered one of the most critical and essential parts in buildings since it consumes the largest amount of energy and is responsible for humans comfort. Due to the intermittent operation of HVAC systems, faults are more likely to occur, possibly increasing eventually building’s energy consumption and/or downgrading indoor living quality. The complexity and large scale nature of HVAC systems complicate the diagnosis of faults in a centralized framework. This paper presents a distributed intelligent fault diagnosis algorithm for detecting and isolating multiple sensor faults in large-scale HVAC systems. Modeling the HVAC system as a network of interconnected subsystems allows the design of a set of distributed sensor fault diagnosis agents capable of isolating multiple sensor faults by applying a combinatorial decision logic and diagnostic reasoning. The performance of the proposed method is investigated with respect to robustness, fault detectability and scalability. Simulations are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the presence of multiple sensor faults applied to a 83-zone HVAC system and to evaluate the sensitivity of the method with respect to sensor noise variance.
Recursive Approximation of Complex Behaviours With IoT-Data Imperfections
Korkut Bekiroglu, Seshadhri Srinivasan, Ethan Png, Rong Su, Constantino Lagoa
2020, 7(3): 656-667. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003126
Abstract(1535) HTML (600) PDF(88)
This paper presents an approach to recursively estimate the simplest linear model that approximates the time-varying local behaviors from imperfect (noisy and incomplete) measurements in the internet of things (IoT) based distributed decision-making problems. We first show that the problem of finding the lowest order model for a multi-input single-output system is a cardinality (0) optimization problem, known to be NP-hard. To solve the problem a simpler approach is proposed which uses the recently developed atomic norm concept and the modified Frank-Wolfe (mFW) algorithm is introduced. Further, the paper computes the minimum data-rate required for computing the models with imperfect measurements. The proposed approach is illustrated on a building heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) control system that aims at optimizing energy consumption in commercial buildings using IoT devices in a distributed manner. The HVAC control application requires recursive thermal dynamical model updates due to frequently changing conditions and non-linear dynamics. We show that the method proposed in this paper can approximate such complex dynamics on single-board computers interfaced to sensors using unreliable communication channels. Real-time experiments on HVAC systems and simulation studies are used to illustrate the proposed method.
Convergence Rate Analysis of Gaussian Belief Propagation for Markov Networks
Zhaorong Zhang, Minyue Fu
2020, 7(3): 668-673. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003105
Abstract(1300) HTML (577) PDF(75)
Gaussian belief propagation algorithm (GaBP) is one of the most important distributed algorithms in signal processing and statistical learning involving Markov networks. It is well known that the algorithm correctly computes marginal density functions from a high dimensional joint density function over a Markov network in a finite number of iterations when the underlying Gaussian graph is acyclic. It is also known more recently that the algorithm produces correct marginal means asymptotically for cyclic Gaussian graphs under the condition of walk summability (or generalised diagonal dominance). This paper extends this convergence result further by showing that the convergence is exponential under the generalised diagonal dominance condition, and provides a simple bound for the convergence rate. Our results are derived by combining the known walk summability approach for asymptotic convergence analysis with the control systems approach for stability analysis.
Classifying Environmental Features From Local Observations of Emergent Swarm Behavior
Megan Emmons, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Charles Anderson, Edwin K. P. Chong
2020, 7(3): 674-682. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003129
Abstract(2134) HTML (580) PDF(74)
Robots in a swarm are programmed with individual behaviors but then interactions with the environment and other robots produce more complex, emergent swarm behaviors. One discriminating feature of the emergent behavior is the local distribution of robots in any given region. In this work, we show how local observations of the robot distribution can be correlated to the environment being explored and hence the location of openings or obstructions can be inferred. The correlation is achieved here with a simple, single-layer neural network that generates physically intuitive weights and provides a degree of robustness by allowing for variation in the environment and number of robots in the swarm. The robots are simulated assuming random motion with no communication, a minimalist model in robot sophistication, to explore the viability of cooperative sensing. We culminate our work with a demonstration of how the local distribution of robots in an unknown, office-like environment can be used to locate unobstructed exits.
Deep Learning and Time Series-to-Image Encoding for Financial Forecasting
Silvio Barra, Salvatore Mario Carta, Andrea Corriga, Alessandro Sebastian Podda, Diego Reforgiato Recupero
2020, 7(3): 683-693. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003132
Abstract(7610) HTML (1010) PDF(751)
In the last decade, market financial forecasting has attracted high interests amongst the researchers in pattern recognition. Usually, the data used for analysing the market, and then gamble on its future trend, are provided as time series; this aspect, along with the high fluctuation of this kind of data, cuts out the use of very efficient classification tools, very popular in the state of the art, like the well known convolutional neural networks (CNNs) models such as Inception, ResNet, AlexNet, and so on. This forces the researchers to train new tools from scratch. Such operations could be very time consuming. This paper exploits an ensemble of CNNs, trained over Gramian angular fields (GAF) images, generated from time series related to the Standard & Poor’s 500 index future; the aim is the prediction of the future trend of the U.S. market. A multi-resolution imaging approach is used to feed each CNN, enabling the analysis of different time intervals for a single observation. A simple trading system based on the ensemble forecaster is used to evaluate the quality of the proposed approach. Our method outperforms the buy-and-hold (B&H) strategy in a time frame where the latter provides excellent returns. Both quantitative and qualitative results are provided.
A Variable-Parameter-Model-Based Feedforward Compensation Method for Tracking Control
Dailin Zhang, Zining Wang, Masayoshi Tomizuka
2020, 7(3): 693-701. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003135
Abstract(2052) HTML (1221) PDF(151)
Base on the accurate inverse of a system, the feedforward compensation method can compensate the tracking error of a linear system dramatically. However, many control systems have complex dynamics and their accurate inverses are difficult to obtain. In the paper, a variable parameter model is proposed to describe a system and a multi-step adaptive seeking approach is used to obtain its parameters in real time. Based on the proposed model, a variable-parameter-model-based feedforward compensation method is proposed, and a disturbance observer is used to overcome the influence of the model uncertainty. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the variable-parameter-model-based feedforward compensation method can obtain better performance than the traditional feedforward compensation.
H-Based Selective Inversion of Nonminimum-phase Systems for Feedback Controls
Dan Wang, Xu Chen
2020, 7(3): 702-710. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003138
Abstract(1198) HTML (521) PDF(70)
Stably inverting a dynamic system model is fundamental to subsequent servo designs. Current inversion techniques have provided effective model matching for feedforward controls. However, when the inverse models are to be implemented in feedback systems, additional considerations are demanded for assuring causality, robustness, and stability under closed-loop constraints. To bridge the gap between accurate model approximations and robust feedback performances, this paper provides a new treatment of unstable zeros in inverse design. We provide first an intuitive pole-zero-map-based inverse tuning to verify the basic principle of the unstable-zero treatment. From there, for general nonminimum-phase and unstable systems, we propose an optimal inversion algorithm that can attain model accuracy at the frequency regions of interest while constraining noise amplification elsewhere to guarantee system robustness. Along the way, we also provide a modern review of model inversion techniques. The proposed algorithm is validated on motion control systems and complex high-order systems.
Learning-Based Switched Reliable Control of Cyber-Physical Systems With Intermittent Communication Faults
Xin Huang, Jiuxiang Dong
2020, 7(3): 711-724. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003141
Abstract(1530) HTML (508) PDF(108)
This study deals with reliable control problems in data-driven cyber-physical systems (CPSs) with intermittent communication faults, where the faults may be caused by bad or broken communication devices and/or cyber attackers. To solve them, a watermark-based anomaly detector is proposed, where the faults are divided to be either detectable or undetectable. Secondly, the fault’s intermittent characteristic is described by the average dwell-time (ADT)-like concept, and then the reliable control issues, under the undetectable faults to the detector, are converted into stabilization issues of switched systems. Furthermore, based on the identifier-critic-structure learning algorithm, a data-driven switched controller with a prescribed-performance-based switching law is proposed, and by the ADT approach, a tolerated fault set is given. Additionally, it is shown that the presented switching laws can improve the system performance degradation in asynchronous intervals, where the degradation is caused by the fault-maker-triggered switching rule, which is unknown for CPS operators. Finally, an illustrative example validates the proposed method.
Reduced-Order GPIO Based Dynamic Event-Triggered Tracking Control of a Networked One-DOF Link Manipulator Without Velocity Measurement
Jiankun Sun, Jun Yang, Shihua Li
2020, 7(3): 725-734. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911738
Abstract(1956) HTML (853) PDF(115)
In networked robot manipulators that deeply integrate control, communication and computation, the controller design needs to take into consideration the limited or costly system resources and the presence of disturbances/uncertainties. To cope with these requirements, this paper proposes a novel dynamic event-triggered robust tracking control method for a one-degree of freedom (DOF) link manipulator with external disturbance and system uncertainties via a reduced-order generalized proportional-integral observer (GPIO). By only using the sampled-data position signal, a new sampled-data robust output feedback tracking controller is proposed based on a reduced-order GPIO to attenuate the undesirable influence of the external disturbance and the system uncertainties. To save the communication resources, we propose a discrete-time dynamic event-triggering mechanism (DETM), where the estimates and the control signal are transmitted and computed only when the proposed discrete-time DETM is violated. It is shown that with the proposed control method, both tracking control properties and communication properties can be significantly improved. Finally, simulation results are shown to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of the proposed control approach.
Road Safety Performance Function Analysis With Visual Feature Importance of Deep Neural Nets
Guangyuan Pan, Liping Fu, Qili Chen, Ming Yu, Matthew Muresan
2020, 7(3): 735-744. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003108
Abstract(1360) HTML (482) PDF(71)
Road safety performance function (SPF) analysis using data-driven and nonparametric methods, especially recent developed deep learning approaches, has gained increasing achievements. However, due to the learning mechanisms are hidden in a “black box” in deep learning, traffic features extraction and intelligent importance analysis are still unsolved and hard to generate. This paper focuses on this problem using a deciphered version of deep neural networks (DNN), one of the most popular deep learning models. This approach builds on visualization, feature importance and sensitivity analysis, can evaluate the contributions of input variables on model’s “black box” feature learning process and output decision. Firstly, a visual feature importance (ViFI) method that describes the importance of input features is proposed by adopting diagram and numerical-analysis. Secondly, by observing the change of weights using ViFI on unsupervised training and fine-tuning of DNN, the final contributions of input features are calculated according to importance equations for both steps that we proposed. Sequentially, a case study based on a road SPF analysis is demonstrated, using data collected from a major Canadian highway, Highway 401. The proposed method allows effective deciphering of the model’s inner workings and allows the significant features to be identified and the bad features to be eliminated. Finally, the revised dataset is used in crash modeling and vehicle collision prediction, and the testing result verifies that the deciphered and revised model achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Environmental Adaptive Control of a Snake-like Robot With Variable Stiffness Actuators
Dong Zhang, Hao Yuan, Zhengcai Cao
2020, 7(3): 745-751. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003144
Abstract(1871) HTML (487) PDF(103)
This work investigates adaptive stiffness control and motion optimization of a snake-like robot with variable stiffness actuators. The robot can vary its stiffness by controlling magneto-rheological fluid (MRF) around actuators. In order to improve the robot’s physical stability in complex environments, this work proposes an adaptive stiffness control strategy. This strategy is also useful for the robot to avoid disturbing caused by emergency situations such as collisions. In addition, to obtain optimal stiffness and reduce energy consumption, both torques of actuators and stiffness of the MRF braker are considered and optimized by using an evolutionary optimization algorithm. Simulations and experiments are conducted to verify the proposed adaptive stiffness control and optimization methods for a variable stiffness snake-like robots.
Non-Monotonic Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional Approach to Stability Analysis and Stabilization of Discrete Time-Delay Systems
Younes Solgi, Alireza Fatehi, Ala Shariati
2020, 7(3): 752-763. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003102
Abstract(1517) HTML (483) PDF(76)
In this paper, a novel non-monotonic Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach is proposed to deal with the stability analysis and stabilization problem of linear discrete time-delay systems. This technique is utilized to relax the monotonic requirement of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem. In this regard, the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is allowed to increase in a few steps, while being forced to be overall decreasing. As a result, it relays on a larger class of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals to provide stability of a state-delay system. To this end, using the non-monotonic Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem, new sufficient conditions are derived regarding linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to study the global asymptotic stability of state-delay systems. Moreover, new stabilization conditions are also proposed for time-delay systems in this article. Both simulation and experimental results on a pH neutralizing process are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.
Locally Linear Back-propagation Based Contribution for Nonlinear Process Fault Diagnosis
Jinchuan Qian, Li Jiang, Zhihuan Song
2020, 7(3): 764-775. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003147
Abstract(1377) HTML (404) PDF(91)
This paper proposes a novel locally linear back-propagation based contribution (LLBBC) for nonlinear process fault diagnosis. As a method based on the deep learning model of auto-encoder (AE), LLBBC can deal with the fault diagnosis problem through extracting nonlinear features. When the on-line fault diagnosis task is in progress, a locally linear model is firstly built at the current fault sample. According to the basic idea of reconstruction based contribution (RBC), the propagation of fault information is described by using back-propagation (BP) algorithm. Then, a contribution index is established to measure the correlation between the variable and the fault, and the final diagnosis result is obtained by searching variables with large contributions. The smearing effect, which is an important factor affecting the performance of fault diagnosis, can be suppressed as well, and the theoretical analysis reveals that the correct diagnosis can be guaranteed by LLBBC. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified through a nonlinear numerical example and the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process.
Scheduling Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Multiple Wafer Types and Residency Time Constraints
Jipeng Wang, Hesuan Hu, Chunrong Pan, Yuan Zhou, Liang Li
2020, 7(3): 776-789. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003150
Abstract(1440) HTML (539) PDF(148)
Accompanying the unceasing progress of integrated circuit manufacturing technology, the mainstream production mode of current semiconductor wafer fabrication is featured with multi-variety, small batch, and individual customization, which poses a huge challenge to the scheduling of cluster tools with single-wafer-type fabrication. Concurrent processing multiple wafer types in cluster tools, as a novel production pattern, has drawn increasing attention from industry to academia, whereas the corresponding research remains insufficient. This paper investigates the scheduling problems of dual-arm cluster tools with multiple wafer types and residency time constraints. To pursue an easy-to-implement cyclic operation under diverse flow patterns, we develop a novel robot activity strategy called multiplex swap sequence. In the light of the virtual module technology, the workloads that stem from bottleneck process steps and asymmetrical process configuration are balanced satisfactorily. Moreover, several sufficient and necessary conditions with closed-form expressions are obtained for checking the system’s schedulability. Finally, efficient algorithms with polynomial complexity are developed to find the periodic scheduling, and its practicability and availability are demonstrated by the offered illustrative examples.
A Real-Time and Ubiquitous Network Attack Detection Based on Deep Belief Network and Support Vector Machine
Hao Zhang, Yongdan Li, Zhihan Lv, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Tao Huang
2020, 7(3): 790-799. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003099
Abstract(1346) HTML (510) PDF(89)
In recent years, network traffic data have become larger and more complex, leading to higher possibilities of network intrusion. Traditional intrusion detection methods face difficulty in processing high-speed network data and cannot detect currently unknown attacks. Therefore, this paper proposes a network attack detection method combining a flow calculation and deep learning. The method consists of two parts: a real-time detection algorithm based on flow calculations and frequent patterns and a classification algorithm based on the deep belief network and support vector machine (DBN-SVM). Sliding window (SW) stream data processing enables real-time detection, and the DBN-SVM algorithm can improve classification accuracy. Finally, to verify the proposed method, a system is implemented. Based on the CICIDS2017 open source data set, a series of comparative experiments are conducted. The method’s real-time detection efficiency is higher than that of traditional machine learning algorithms. The attack classification accuracy is 0.7 percentage points higher than that of a DBN, which is 2 percentage points higher than that of the integrated algorithm boosting and bagging methods. Hence, it is suitable for the real-time detection of high-speed network intrusions.
Latent Variable Regression for Supervised Modeling and Monitoring
Qinqin Zhu
2020, 7(3): 800-811. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003153
Abstract(1283) HTML (449) PDF(63)
A latent variable regression algorithm with a regularization term (rLVR) is proposed in this paper to extract latent relations between process data X and quality data Y . In rLVR, the prediction error between X and Y is minimized, which is proved to be equivalent to maximizing the projection of quality variables in the latent space. The geometric properties and model relations of rLVR are analyzed, and the geometric and theoretical relations among rLVR, partial least squares, and canonical correlation analysis are also presented. The rLVR-based monitoring framework is developed to monitor process-relevant and quality-relevant variations simultaneously. The prediction and monitoring effectiveness of rLVR algorithm is demonstrated through both numerical simulations and the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process.
Robust Deadlock Avoidance Policy for Automated Manufacturing System With Multiple Unreliable Resources
Jianchao Luo, Zhiqiang Liu, Shuogang Wang, Keyi Xing
2020, 7(3): 812-821. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003096
Abstract(1387) HTML (484) PDF(59)
This work studies the robust deadlock control of automated manufacturing systems with multiple unreliable resources. Our goal is to ensure the continuous production of the jobs that only require reliable resources. To reach this goal, we propose a new modified Banker’s algorithm (MBA) to ensure that all resources required by these jobs can be freed. Moreover, a Petri net based deadlock avoidance policy (DAP) is introduced to ensure that all jobs remaining in the system after executing the new MBA can complete their processing smoothly when their required unreliable resources are operational. The new MBA together with the DAP forms a new DAP that is robust to the failures of unreliable resources. Owing to the high permissiveness of the new MBA and the optimality of the DAP, it is tested to be more permissive than state-of-the-art control policies.
Optimal PID Control of Spatial Inverted Pendulum With Big Bang – Big Crunch Optimization
Jia-Jun Wang, Tufan Kumbasar
2020, 7(3): 822-832. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2018.7511267
Abstract(1378) HTML (393) PDF(76)
As the extension of the linear inverted pendulum (LIP) and planar inverted pendulum (PIP), this paper proposes a novel spatial inverted pendulum (SIP). The SIP is the most general inverted pendulum (IP) than any existing IP. The model of the SIP is presented for the first time. The SIP inherits all the characteristics of the LIP and the PIP, which is a nonlinear, unstable and underactuated system. The SIP has five degrees of motion freedom and three control forces. Thus, it is a multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system with nonlinear dynamics. To realize the spatial trajectory tracking of the SIP, the control structure with five PID controllers will be designed. The parameter tuning of the multiple PIDs is a challenging work for the proposed SIP model. To alleviate the difficulties of the parameter tuning for the multiple PID controllers, optimal PIDs can be achieved with the help of Big Bang-Big Crunch (BBBC) optimization. The BBBC algorithm can successfully optimize the parameters of the multiple PID controllers with high convergence speed. The optimization performance index of the BBBC algorithm is compared with that of the particle swarm optimization (PSO). Simulation results certify the rightness and effectiveness of the proposed control and optimization methods.
Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulator for Continuous-Time Systems With Uncertain Dynamics
Sumit Kumar Jha, Shubhendu Bhasin
2020, 7(3): 833-841. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911438
Abstract(1515) HTML (421) PDF(112)
In this paper, adaptive linear quadratic regulator (LQR) is proposed for continuous-time systems with uncertain dynamics. The dynamic state-feedback controller uses input-output data along the system trajectory to continuously adapt and converge to the optimal controller. The result differs from previous results in that the adaptive optimal controller is designed without the knowledge of the system dynamics and an initial stabilizing policy. Further, the controller is updated continuously using input-output data, as opposed to the commonly used switched/intermittent updates which can potentially lead to stability issues. An online state derivative estimator facilitates the design of a model-free controller. Gradient-based update laws are developed for online estimation of the optimal gain. Uniform exponential stability of the closed-loop system is established using the Lyapunov-based analysis, and a simulation example is provided to validate the theoretical contribution.
ADMM-based Distributed Algorithm for Economic Dispatch in Power Systems With Both Packet Drops and Communication Delays
Qing Yang, Gang Chen, Ting Wang
2020, 7(3): 842-852. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003156
Abstract(1397) HTML (515) PDF(68)
By virtue of alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), Newton-Raphson method, ratio consensus approach and running sum method, two distributed iterative strategies are presented in this paper to address the economic dispatch problem (EDP) in power systems. Different from most of the existing distributed ED approaches which neglect the effects of packet drops or/and time delays, this paper takes into account both packet drops and time delays which frequently occur in communication networks. Moreover, directed and possibly unbalanced graphs are considered in our algorithms, over which many distributed approaches fail to converge. Furthermore, the proposed schemes can address the EDP with local constraints of generators and nonquadratic convex cost functions, not just quadratic ones required in some existing ED approaches. Both theoretical analyses and simulation studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
Robust D-Stability Test of LTI General Fractional Order Control Systems
Reza Mohsenipour, Xinzhi Liu
2020, 7(3): 853-864. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003159
Abstract(1151) HTML (482) PDF(46)
This work deals with the robust D-stability test of linear time-invariant (LTI) general fractional order control systems in a closed loop where the system and/or the controller may be of fractional order. The concept of general implies that the characteristic equation of the LTI closed loop control system may be of both commensurate and non-commensurate orders, both the coefficients and the orders of the characteristic equation may be nonlinear functions of uncertain parameters, and the coefficients may be complex numbers. Some new specific areas for the roots of the characteristic equation are found so that they reduce the computational burden of testing the robust D-stability. Based on the value set of the characteristic equation, a necessary and sufficient condition for testing the robust D-stability of these systems is derived. Moreover, in the case that the coefficients are linear functions of the uncertain parameters and the orders do not have any uncertainties, the condition is adjusted for further computational burden reduction. Various numerical examples are given to illustrate the merits of the achieved theorems.
Iterative Learning Control for Distributed Parameter Systems Based on Non-Collocated Sensors and Actuators
Jianxiang Zhang, Baotong Cui, Xisheng Dai, Zhengxian Jiang
2020, 7(3): 865-871. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911663
Abstract(1586) HTML (867) PDF(88)
In this paper, an open-loop PD-type iterative learning control (ILC) scheme is first proposed for two kinds of distributed parameter systems (DPSs) which are described by parabolic partial differential equations using non-collocated sensors and actuators. Then, a closed-loop PD-type ILC algorithm is extended to a class of distributed parameter systems with a non-collocated single sensor and m actuators when the initial states of the system exist some errors. Under some given assumptions, the convergence conditions of output errors for the systems can be obtained. Finally, one numerical example for a distributed parameter system with a single sensor and two actuators is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed ILC schemes.
Stability of Delayed Switched Systems With State-Dependent Switching
Chao Liu, Zheng Yang, Xiaoyang Liu, Xianying Huang
2020, 7(3): 872-881. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911624
Abstract(1630) HTML (804) PDF(96)
This paper investigates the stability of switched systems with time-varying delay and all unstable subsystems. According to the stable convex combination, we design a state-dependent switching rule. By employing Wirtinger integral inequality and Leibniz-Newton formula, the stability results of nonlinear delayed switched systems whose nonlinear terms satisfy Lipschitz condition under the designed state-dependent switching rule are established for different assumptions on time delay. Moreover, some new stability results for linear delayed switched systems are also presented. The effectiveness of the proposed results is validated by three typical numerical examples.
Identification Scheme for Fractional Hammerstein Models With the Delayed Haar Wavelet
Kajal Kothari, Utkal Mehta, Vineet Prasad, Jito Vanualailai
2020, 7(3): 882-891. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003093
Abstract(1131) HTML (443) PDF(58)
The parameter identification of a nonlinear Hammerstein-type process is likely to be complex and challenging due to the existence of significant nonlinearity at the input side. In this paper, a new parameter identification strategy for a block-oriented Hammerstein process is proposed using the Haar wavelet operational matrix (HWOM). To determine all the parameters in the Hammerstein model, a special input excitation is utilized to separate the identification problem of the linear subsystem from the complete nonlinear process. During the first test period, a simple step response data is utilized to estimate the linear subsystem dynamics. Then, the overall system response to sinusoidal input is used to estimate nonlinearity in the process. A single-pole fractional order transfer function with time delay is used to model the linear subsystem. In order to reduce the mathematical complexity resulting from the fractional derivatives of signals, a HWOM based algebraic approach is developed. The proposed method is proven to be simple and robust in the presence of measurement noises. The numerical study illustrates the efficiency of the proposed modeling technique through four different nonlinear processes and results are compared with existing methods.
Swing Suppression and Accurate Positioning Control for Underactuated Offshore Crane Systems Suffering From Disturbances
Tong Yang, Ning Sun, He Chen, Yongchun Fang
2020, 7(3): 892-900. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003162
Abstract(1091) HTML (509) PDF(45)
Offshore cranes are widely applied to transfer large-scale cargoes and it is challenging to develop effective control for them with sea wave disturbances. However, most existing controllers can only yield ultimate uniform boundedness or asymptotical stability results for the system’s equilibrium point, and the state variables’ convergence time cannot be theoretically guaranteed. To address these problems, a nonlinear sliding mode-based controller is suggested to accurately drive the boom/rope to their desired positions. Simultaneously, payload swing can be eliminated rapidly with sea waves. As we know, this paper firstly presents a controller by introducing error-related bounded functions into a sliding surface, which can realize boom/rope positioning within a finite time, and both controller design and analysis based on the nonlinear dynamics are implemented without any linearization manipulations. Moreover, the stability analysis is theoretically ensured with the Lyapunov method. Finally, we employ some experiments to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.
Two-Order Approximate and Large Stepsize Numerical Direction Based on the Quadratic Hypothesis and Fitting Method
Xiaoli Yin, Chunming Li, Yuan Zhang
2020, 7(3): 901-909. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911735
Abstract(1186) HTML (487) PDF(40)
Many effective optimization algorithms require partial derivatives of objective functions, while some optimization problems’ objective functions have no derivatives. According to former research studies, some search directions are obtained using the quadratic hypothesis of objective functions. Based on derivatives, quadratic function assumptions, and directional derivatives, the computational formulas of numerical first-order partial derivatives, second-order partial derivatives, and numerical second-order mixed partial derivatives were constructed. Based on the coordinate transformation relation, a set of orthogonal vectors in the fixed coordinate system was established according to the optimization direction. A numerical algorithm was proposed, taking the second order approximation direction as an example. A large stepsize numerical algorithm based on coordinate transformation was proposed. Several algorithms were validated by an unconstrained optimization of the two-dimensional Rosenbrock objective function. The numerical second order approximation direction with the numerical mixed partial derivatives showed good results. Its calculated amount is 0.2843% of that of without second-order mixed partial derivative. In the process of rotating the local coordinate system 360°, because the objective function is more complex than the quadratic function, if the numerical direction derivative is used instead of the analytic partial derivative, the optimization direction varies with a range of 103.05°. Because theoretical error is in the numerical negative gradient direction, the calculation with the coordinate transformation is 94.71% less than the calculation without coordinate transformation. If there is no theoretical error in the numerical negative gradient direction or in the large-stepsize numerical optimization algorithm based on the coordinate transformation, the sawtooth phenomenon occurs. When each numerical mixed partial derivative takes more than one point, the optimization results cannot be improved. The numerical direction based on the quadratic hypothesis only requires the objective function to be obtained, but does not require derivability and does not take into account truncation error and rounding error. Thus, the application scopes of many optimization methods are extended.
Adaptive Fault-Delay Accommodation for a Class of State-Delay Systems With Actuator Faults
Shengjuan Huang, Chunrong Li
2020, 7(3): 910-918. doi: 10.1109/JAS.2020.1003015
Abstract(1199) HTML (488) PDF(73)
Fault and delay accommodating simultaneously for a class of linear systems subject to state delays, actuator faults and disturbances is investigated in this work. A matrix norm minimization technique is applied to minimize the norms of coefficient matrix on time delay terms of the system in consideration. Compared with the matrix inequality scaling technique, the minimization technique can relax substantially the obtained stability conditions for state delay systems, especially, when the coefficient matrices of time delay terms have a large order of magnitudes. An output feedback adaptive fault-delay tolerant controller (AFDTC) is designed subsequently to stabilize the plant with state delays and actuator faults. Compared with the conventional fault tolerant controller (FTC), the designed output feedback AFDTC can be updated on-line to compensate the effect of both faults and delays on systems. Simulation results under two numerical examples exhibit the effectiveness and merits of the proposed method.